Well Christmas is over, well almost; we still have to do Xmas with my Dad & Step-mom this weekend. But the majority of the commotion is finally over. We had a fabulous Christmas, I think I opened more gifts than I ever have in my life. Paige wasn't interested at all, in tearing open the paper. Once the toys were unwrapped then she would play with them, but she wasn't really that into it. I guess next year will be a little more exciting for her.
We started of Xmas Eve night at Peg & Stubby's house. Paige's big gifts were a little 4-wheeler, which she is a little to small for yet. But at least we have it when she is ready. Also, she got her own pink duck call with her name engraved on it. Besides those she got tons of clothes. I had to buy more hangers just to hang them all up.
Christmas morning Paige opened her gifts from Santa. He brought her a Sit to Stand Giraffe.It came with 4 balls and you put the balls in the giraffe's mouth and they roll down a winding track, Paige loves it! Also she got some little Tonka trucks, a busy bopper and 2 books.
After we all got ready we headed to Saunemin to my mom and step-dad's house. Where Paige made out like a bandit again. She got a Sit and Spin Zebra, Mega blocks, a glow worm, baby doll, peak-a-boo big bird, and plenty of other odds and ins. My sister made us a little scrap book for Paige's 1st Christmas. She even had Paige's hand print in it. It was my favorite present by far! Grandma and Grandpa are both living with Mom & Joe for the time being. Grandma is still re-cooping from her hospital stay. She has diabetes and her levels are just all over the place. She takes insulin shots and every time she need one, she has to take a different amount. Poor Grandma, hopefully it will get under control soon. Anyway, We headed home around 5 pm and we were all tuckered out.
Saturday evening was the Broerman Christmas at Uncle Jim's house. We went over about 3:00, and Rod stayed till about 6 then he had to go to work. Paige and I stayed until about 9:00, then headed home to put her to bed. She once again filled up the Kia with gifts. More clothes and of course toys. Paige was so funny, she kept trying to kiss Zach and tackled him many times. She's such a Brut! Here are a couple of pics of them.
Rod's aunt Becky also sent Paige's birthday present, which was the cutest little plush pony. Unfortunately, Rusty (our dog) thought he looked tasty and ate him! I was so mad! I screamed at him and smacked his booty. He ran upstairs and pouted the rest of the night. He knows better than that, he hasn't chewed anything up since he was a puppy.
New Year's Eve, Rod and I are gonna go out on the town. Grandma Peg is gonna watch Paige all night and maybe Alex too. I'm excited, I think it might get a little drunk out that night! I have only really drank once since Paige was born. That was at Timmerman's wedding reception. I'm always too worried because I know I'll have to get up during the night with Paige (since she hardly ever sleeps through the night yet) and bright and early in the mornings.
That's all for now.